

Good morning! As I type Cecilia is sitting on my lap eating pineapple that smells deliciously sweet, birds are chirping, and the sun is shining, what do you know- it’s another gorgeous day here! I would like to start today’s entry by expressing my gratitude for all of the love, support, and prayers shared with my beautiful little family during this healing journey. The amount of love we are receiving is really quite overwhelming, in a good way of course! So THANK YOU ALL!!! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us or comment here, we love to hear from you.

On Tuesday after my therapy Justin and I went to watch the sunset at a local mountain, it felt so amazing to climb the rock (even though it wasn’t much of a climb) and sit with it while watching the sunset over the city and all of the other surrounding mountain ranges. There are so many modalities for healing, and to be honest, I am taking advantage of all of them, some of them being: prayer, medicine, herbs, homeopathy, diet, supplements, joy, laughing, playing, singing, smiling, emotion, and connecting (with God, earth, nature, and people). I kind of have a running joke since being in AZ with all this sunshine that I only see the bright side of things out here- it’s truly helping me heal and process mentally. With that being said we met with my Dr. yesterday to go over all of my scan results, the PET scan concluded our suspicion from my past MRI that I do in fact have 10-15 bone lesions ranging from my right shoulder to my vertebrae, pelvis, and femur. The BRIGHT side of this? Everywhere else was clear, including my brain which was a celebration all on its own (I was able to process the bone mets emotions at the beginning of April when my MRI showed suspicion for it which made yesterday a lot easier). My Dr. is confident it’s early because there was no bone breakdown shown on the CT scan, so my current therapy protocol will remain the same. They have offered another conjunctive therapy to me based on the cancer type and my vitality. It would increase my targeting immune system cells by approximately 20-30%. We have to research it still and see if it will financially be possible, we should have a decision made within a couple of weeks. I will accept all prayers for guidance regarding this decision! 🙂 (I’ll accept all prayers regarding anything hehe). 

Yesterday afternoon I had another green tea (EGCG) infusion with the PEMF mat and a sodium bicarbonate infusion. The sodium bicarbonate will not only alkalize my body -which cancer cannot thrive in this kind of pH state- but it also mops up and cleans out any kill-off from the EGCG- super cool! Afterward, my Ce girl was really missing me, so my mom and I took her and Vin to the library and park and we just had fun playing. When we got home she wanted to dress up again for dinner and have a dance party in our dresses- she’s so dang sweet and cute!

Today I have my biological dentist appointment, followed by 2 other doctor consultations that I haven’t met yet, and finally a detox infusion this afternoon! Another busy day around here, thinking and hoping next week will be much slower with only treatments and not all of the appointments. 

Happy Thursday, Ya’ll- go conquer your day!



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Good morning! As I type Cecilia is sitting on my lap eating pineapple that smells deliciously sweet, birds are chirping,