April 30, 2024

April 30, 2024

Good morning! It’s another glorious, sunshiney day in Arizona. Are you sick of me talking about this amazing weather yet? I hope not, because I’m not going to stop! 🙂 Yesterday turned out to be a great day! I was super excited to get my MRI over with- yah know I’ve just started developing a smidge bit of claustrophobia in my old age which makes these scans a little unenjoyable- they are also the only place I feel the claustrophobia. I should probably figure out my flower remedy for this. Anyway, yesterday..my blood ozonation was super cool, they pulled out the amount of blood they needed, oxygenated it and then put it back into my body. After that, I received an EGCG (green tea) infusion and sat on a PEMF mat with a ring to put on any areas of pain. PEMF stands for pulsed electromagnetic field therapy and it decreases pain, and inflammation, and increases healing! I’ll get to use that multiple times a week which I am very excited for. So after my therapies yesterday I had a ton of energy which is actually still lingering around today and that has felt incredible! Cecilia threw a queso party last night, she picked us out dresses, we danced, and everyone (but me) thoroughly enjoyed queso with their taco dinner. LOL 

Today for my low-dose chemo the nurses will very carefully drop my sugar to 39 with insulin (for those who don’t know, if you reach a sugar of 59 in a hospital orange juice or dextrose will be given). The Nurse manager of the chemo room told me most people don’t feel symptomatic of the low sugar since they’re just sitting in a chair, the most common symptoms are clammy hands and/or hot flashes. Once that blood glucose level is reached they will inject the chemo (which is 10% of conventional dosing) with iron and sucrose. At a sugar of 39 all of my healthy cells will be in hibernation mode, the cancer cells will be out looking for a source of energy. Then boom- they’re going to find it in the iron and sucrose which will be laced with the chemo. Afterward, they’ll give me dextrose and I’ll bring some of my own food (turkey and broc.) to bring my sugar up and stabilize it. Next week the chemo will be injected with something else so that the cancer doesn’t outsmart the chemo. This is so fascinating to me. Side effects are very individualized, some people experience nothing while others experience mild symptoms. Hoping and praying I walk away feeling great, though I will be prepared with my homeopathic remedies just in case!

Happy Tuesday ya’ll, go enjoy your day!


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