April 24, 2024

April 24, 2024

April 24, 2024

Good morning! Yesterday was a bit exhausting for me, emotionally and physically. I have not been sleeping the best as I wake up at normal Michigan time ready to rock and roll. But today I slept until almost 5 which was a success in my eyes! Yesterday I had my labs drawn (29 vials! Approximately 25% of the amount given during a blood donation) followed by a PET scan. As many of you know I live a very holistic lifestyle and try to avoid as many toxins as possible so having the radioactive dye injected into me for the scan definitely involved some emotions I had to work through. Thankfully my sister, Sabrina, reminded me to go to my happy place of being in the backyard with the kids swimming and the birds chirping which helped immensely. In addition to prayers and trusting my body to do the hard work, I made it through. Nan hooked me up with a vitamin bag full of nutrients to help my body with the detox process @ her wellness facility called, Restore, I was extremely grateful for this… and it was fun to see her in action! After relaxing for a good 2 hours there we ran some errands and went back home for dinner, a good swim, and a sunset walk where we enjoyed exploring all of the fun cacti around the neighborhood.

Well, the kids just jumped in the pool (its 7:53 a.m. 🙂 ), I have an appointment at 9:30 to meet my nurse (I’ll have the same nurse the entire time), go over my treatment plan and have an EKG. After that you can catch me in the pool with my babes- eating that up before I get my permacath placed at which point I’ll no longer be able to swim. 

I’d like to give a huge shoutout to my bestie, soul mate, life mate, and husband. He is the most supportive, helpful, wise, optimistic, motivated, adventurous, loving, protective, and kind person in this world, I am so grateful he is by my side for this journey! Love you Jutty<3

Much love,


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